Chanel has been around since the late 1800s. When it comes to brand name designer bags, Chanel is the crème of the industry. Owning of these handbags is a milestone in its own right. Finding an authentic bag that is also affordable can be a challenge. Chanel does not discount their bags or put them on sale making finding one for a good price difficult.
Here are some things to look for to make certain the merchandise you are selling is the real thing:
1. Material - cheap Chanel bags outlet are made with calfskin. While a bag many contain a variety of materials they only use one animal skin (calfskin).
2. Tags - The only tag you will find on a Chanel bag is the authenticity card. The lettering on the cards is black and gold only. They are never laminated. And the tags will match the hologram sticker exactly.
3. Embellishments - Chanel does not include extras with their bags such as wallets, cell phone pouches, or anything else. If someone is offering to sell a bag with matching accessories you should be concerned about the bag's legitimacy.
When choosing a wholesaler or dropshipper, look for a company that offers a 100% money back guarantee. If the supplier truly believes they are working with authentic merchandise, they will not hesitate to offer a guarantee for their products.
To help narrow down your wholesale choices, consider using an online directory - like Salehoo - to find reputable wholesalers. Once you find a wholesaler that is offering the real deal at great prices you have got it made.
[]: SaleHoo Platinum Edition. It is advisable to buy these fashionable, designer bags from legitimate and experienced drop shippers like SaleHoo. Buyers will buy their bags based on their usability and distinctiveness. They need to know where they can use these bags.
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