1 Gucci and LV tied for the world's most widely known brand, but also the most commonly used to be counterfeit brands. Too many of cheap knockoff Gucci handbags caused the reputation crisis of real Gucci, but fortunately Ford Tom appeared to save the dangerous situation of Gucci at that time.
2. The appearance of Bamboo bag was at the time of the war period of lacking of leather, in addition to the bamboo, they also used marijuana, flax, jute, and other materials to make the handbags.
3. In the last century of 60s, the Gucci handbag was already appeared in the street photo of Audrey Hepburn. Gucci's history is inseparable from the high-end banquets and elegant celebrities, they all took Gucci bag as status symbol.
4. Gucci creative director, the famous Tom Ford was a photographic assistant before joining Gucci. Although the Gucci had a high status at that time in fashion circle, but because of the counterfeit goods and family disputes momentum plummeted, in the most chaotic period of Gucci, 32 years old photographer assistant Tom Ford took over the post of Gucci creative director. But unfortunately, the first design series he launched was a failure in 1995.
5. The momentum of Gucci had plummeted because of Gucci backpack handbag replica, and Madonna is one of the important reasons that led Gucci back to high -class society. Tom Ford joined the fresh elements of provocative and sexy in the brand, which was a move got the high praise of Madonna. Under her support, a lot of fashion people and celebrities began to buy Gucci handbags, even the normal families were following the trend to buy the replica backpack Gucci handbags.